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You are my superman.
Posted by Monday, May 14, 2012 8:55 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

Can you guys feel my joy?!?
Okay anyway, life have been rather smooth sailing these days, for me at least.
So, updates bout concert, handover, and abit about life :)

7thApril, la guiterra nostalgia!
Great experience for AHGuitar ensemble.
I'm honestly very pleased and very proud with everyone's performance.
Our hard work really DID pay off!
Looking at the smile on mr shi's face was simply.. yay :)
I love my quartet, I love mr shi, I love AHGuitar. <3

Guitar handover!
Went surprisingly well too :)
So yep, kinda happy with my post!
Assistant vicepres/secretary & section leader.
Haha dk if I really deserve it, but since I got it, I promise I'll do the best that I can.
New pres: Isabel
New vp: Heidi
Meh, I swear I'll miss the seniors like crazy :(
Thanks Michelle for being such an awesome pres, and always tolerating out nonsense.
Thanks tabitha for being a fantastic vice pres, and for always trying to come up with better things to make AHGuitar ensemble a better cca.
Thanks Samantha for being such a cutie pie and doing a great job as our general affairs.
Thanks Yanguang for always being cheerful, and willing to help out in teaching the juniors.
Thanks andrea for the great performance during our concert, I love you voice, a lot.
Thanks timothy, mengyao and zhangying for coming to practice, sand making cca more enjoyable.
You guys are a joy to be with, and I'm thankful for having seniors like you guys.
Joining AHGuitar will definitely be one of my best decision, I promise.

So I have been mugging for the past two weeks because of midyears. Hmm. I really genuinely hope that my hard work will be worth it (though I have totally no confidence at all)
Went to watch dark shadows with Qiqing, Brandon, anson, Zach, Randall, chunheng, wengkong and anish~
Hope I didn't miss anyone out hehe :)
The movie is.. Idk. Retarded I guess. HAHAH Brandon and I spent like 75% of the time talking crap in the theatre LOLLLL.
Played hide and seek in the mall after that. (yes, at 10.30pm at night) we be so cool and no, don't judge us :)

So I guess life is pretty awesome for me right now. But I really miss going out with AHGuitar sec 3 batch. I miss going out, or just simply hanging around with Xavier, Zhengjie, Yixin, Yanguang, Victoria, Qiqing, Nicole and Heidi.
I may not show it, but I really miss them, a lot :(
Felt like I've drifted away from them recently because of the hectic life I've been experiencing. Sigh.

3A clique is awesome :) I love my babes. Chevonne, jiaxin, ruiqi, zen, Edina. :)
Haters be hating, but we don't care yay :)

Really contented with my life right now. I'm really thankful for everyone who have been by side all along, and I know I can be very moodswingish when I'm stress and stuff, and I thank everyone for tolerating me :)

Brandon will be leaving for Laos next Monday! Have a safe trip and enjoy urself there okay! :)

Holidays are almost here! I promise to do my best and catch up everyone that are dear to me. I promise to try my best to make up for all these while because I know I've been neglecting some ppl due to certain issues.

Till then,
Charmayne :)

Posted by Saturday, March 3, 2012 10:28 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

Times like this when it actually got me thinking.
What do I actually want?
What am I exactly doing with my life?
Why am I so useless, so dumb, so inferior?
Why can't I do anything right?
I don't know what to wish for, what to expect anymore.
Higher my hopes are, the greater the disappointment.
Everything is so different now.

I'm practically screwing everything up now. Studies, friendship, cca.
Underperforming for every single subject.
Such a failure sigh.

Really wish I can do smt right.
Make someone proud of me.
Is it really that hard, that impossible?
Sometimes I get so tired from trying.
I studied, real hard. And every time I get my results back, I'll get so disappointed. So demoralized.
Is it true that giving my very best isn't enough?

The change in you scares me, a lot.
Feels like I don't know you anymore.
You are no longer the person who's nice and caring. I don't know if you still genuinely treat me as a friend. Or everything you do is just for show.
Why must things turn out this way?

Okay whatever. On the brighter note, I kinda know who really cares about me and who doesn't. It's kinda nice and heartwarming to know that someone really really cares about you.
Really hope these people will stay in my life.

3A is getting better. I guess.
Got closer to more people, and realized that they ain't as bad as I first thought. My perspective of 3A probably will become much better in time to come I hope.

Sometimes I wish I could save you.
Posted by Saturday, February 25, 2012 12:11 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

Zoom it's Saturday again.
Time flies man, im serious.
So this week wasn't exactly smooth sailing I guess.
Got back a couple of tests.
22/30 for English free writing
30/40 for bio common test
10/16 for SS
13/20 for amaths
13/20 for emaths
Not up to my expectations but glad I didn't fail any.
So gonna fail chem. sigh

Haven't been in a good mood for the past few days.
Many many things happened and I'm so confused with whatever is going on.
Everyone is changing, to an extent that I don't think I know them anymore.

Give your heart a break.
Posted by Saturday, February 18, 2012 8:20 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

Haven't been posting for the longest time ever. So sorry.
Sec 3 life is really hectic.
I've like at least 4 test every week.
Concert is coming, so there's like 3 pracs per week.
Hardly have any time for myself already. :(
So 1st feb, my birthday.
Not the best one but I guess I enjoyed it.
Thanks qiqing, Xavier, yanguang, zhengjie, Vic, Brandon, Randall, Damien and anson for celebrating it with me. <3
14th feb.
Valetine's day. Better than last year's I guess? Received quite a number of gifts and cards from everyone.thanks a lot guys :)

I'm really sick and tired of your nonsense.
Not like I'm not busy enough, not stress enough. Is there really a need to make everything worse for me?
Do you people really enjoy seeing me suffer sometimes?
Sigh hope everything will be fine, really.
And, I really hope everyone around me is okay. I feel so helpless sometimes.

Posted by Sunday, January 22, 2012 1:24 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

hmm so havent been blogging for real long.
super busy.
anyway, guitar concert is on 7thApril!!
Do support! :D
call or text me if u are interested okay! :D :D
guitar is awesome.
i love them alot, alot.
much more beyond words. <3

Sometimes giving your best is just not enough.
Posted by Saturday, January 14, 2012 8:52 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

Have been neglecting this space like shyt,
I'm sorry. ><
So my dec hols was a blast.
One of the best holiday I've ever had.
2G class chalet
Guitar chalet
6A/B combined class chalet
Guitar new year countdown
Every moment with all my friends are precious to me.

So school reopened like, lets say 2 weeks ago?
First week was camp!
Which went really well and I really enjoyed myself.
Kinda got to know my new classmates and doing cheers and dancing with them.
Campfire was really memorable.
At that time, I thought, 3A may not be as bad as I first thought it will be.
But just ONE week, and I'm back to my original mindset.
Second week of school, and there's already problem.
Tell me, how are we gonna spend the next two years together?
In my class of 40, I can say I'm only okay with like less than 15 people in the class?
Compared to 2G, in my honest opinion, I don't really like 3A.
I used to go school to see my classmates and hang out with them during lesson time and not for lessons,
And now?
I go school to attend lessons and not for my classmates.
Sorry to say, but I have no feelings for 3A.
Hope my thinking will change over time.

Homework piling up, stress is overwhelming me.
Homework, test, guitar comm, concert.
I'm struggling with most of the work.
Quartet song nt done yet.
I wonder how long I can actually hold on.
And I realized, now, giving my best, is never enough.
Tell me what to do.
Problems, please stop coming to me. :(
Please. Please. Please.

Ignorance is bliss.
Posted by Friday, November 18, 2011 9:14 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

Just when I thought everything is fine,
things have to come crashing down on me once again.
I'm really starting to doubt myself.
Why am I such a failure?
Why am I so insensitive to everyone around me?
Why am I so incapable of balancing all of my friendships?
Why am I so weak?
Why am I emotional?
Why am I such a bad friend?
Yes I know, I can be a real bitch at times.
Yes I know, I'm not perfect and I have many many flaws.
But really, I'm trying my best. My very very best.
Sometimes I really do wonder, is it worth it for me to put in so much effort in trying to salvage a relationship that is already broken?
Am I the only dumb girl who still believe that everything will turn out fine someday?
I've come to a point whereby I no longer know what to do.
Everything seems to be in a mess right now.
I really wish that I have the power to change everything.
I really wish I have the power to make everyone around me happy.
But sadly, I don't.
Somebody tell me what to do.
I'm so tired to continue trying but i know I'm not ready to let go of everything that was once so important to me.
I'm sorry for being weak.
I'm sorry for not being perfect.
I'm sorry for acting how I really feel.
I'm sorry, but this is me and it's impossible for me to change no matter how hard I try.
I'm sorry, I really really am.