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1st Feb, her day.
AHS, 2G.
Teach her how to laugh.
 It's always you.
Posted by Monday, August 8, 2011 8:48 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Back blogging after a veryvery long time.
Really sorry about that~
okay anyway many things happened this few days.
Good stuff and bad stuff.
Okay let's start this long wordy post with today's national day celebration.
Hmm the celebration itself wasn't very fun,
But going to vic's house was fun.
Laughed like SHYT and yea, played Indian poker.
But somehow, it feels different.
And I was supposingly very happy till I heard and saw stuff that I didn't wanna know.
I really really wished that I'm just thinking too much and stuff, but apparently, that isn't the case.
Why did I have to see that? Really.
I really wished that I didnt know anything.
Okay whatever, next.
2.4 was cancelled last Thursday due to the rain.
Which totally spoiled my mood coz I was already all geared up for the run.
Went for lunch with joycelina and xavier.
Wasn't fun at all because there's someone who I really hate, he tagged along.
Ruined my mood.
But it kinda got better after going to shop with joycelina~
Took back some of our results for the past few common tests.
Not really fantastic and there's room for improvement.
English summary and compre: 35/45
Chinese book test: 37/50
History test: 11/18
Not gonna elaborate about that.
Okay now time for all the random stuff.
I'm thankful for all my friends.
I really truly am.
No matter how bad my day had been, there will always be someone who will just make my day.
Maybe through a tweet, or a SMS,
And I really appreciate it alot.
Many things are no longer the same anymore.
You are not the same anymore.
Do you know how freaking scared I am to lose you?
I'm scared that with her around, you wouldn't want me anymore.
I'm scared that one day, you, my closest friend, is gonna be a random stranger.
You were the one who made feel important on my worse days,
And now, you are also the one who make me feel so insignificant.
I dont know what's going on between us.
But I know, and is certain that, our relationship is no longer the same anymore.
All the promises that you made, as long as you can remember 1 of them,
I'll be really happy. Really. Really.
Just one.
I think it's time for me to keep a distance from everyone. From everything that's happening.
I need time to sort out my thoughts i guess.
I'm tired. Mentally and physically.
Despite everything that's happening, I'm still thankful for everything.
As everything serves as a lesson for me.
I sincerely hope that everything will be fine soon.
I look forward to days when I'll be genuinely happy.
I look forward to days when everything will be back to normal.
Everything will be over very very soon <3
 It's always you.
Posted by Monday, August 8, 2011 8:48 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Back blogging after a veryvery long time.
Really sorry about that~
okay anyway many things happened this few days.
Good stuff and bad stuff.
Okay let's start this long wordy post with today's national day celebration.
Hmm the celebration itself wasn't very fun,
But going to vic's house was fun.
Laughed like SHYT and yea, played Indian poker.
But somehow, it feels different.
And I was supposingly very happy till I heard and saw stuff that I didn't wanna know.
I really really wished that I'm just thinking too much and stuff, but apparently, that isn't the case.
Why did I have to see that? Really.
I really wished that I didnt know anything.
Okay whatever, next.
2.4 was cancelled last Thursday due to the rain.
Which totally spoiled my mood coz I was already all geared up for the run.
Went for lunch with joycelina and xavier.
Wasn't fun at all because there's someone who I really hate, he tagged along.
Ruined my mood.
But it kinda got better after going to shop with joycelina~
Took back some of our results for the past few common tests.
Not really fantastic and there's room for improvement.
English summary and compre: 35/45
Chinese book test: 37/50
History test: 11/18
Not gonna elaborate about that.
Okay now time for all the random stuff.
I'm thankful for all my friends.
I really truly am.
No matter how bad my day had been, there will always be someone who will just make my day.
Maybe through a tweet, or a SMS,
And I really appreciate it alot.
Many things are no longer the same anymore.
You are not the same anymore.
Do you know how freaking scared I am to lose you?
I'm scared that with her around, you wouldn't want me anymore.
I'm scared that one day, you, my closest friend, is gonna be a random stranger.
You were the one who made feel important on my worse days,
And now, you are also the one who make me feel so insignificant.
I dont know what's going on between us.
But I know, and is certain that, our relationship is no longer the same anymore.
All the promises that you made, as long as you can remember 1 of them,
I'll be really happy. Really. Really.
Just one.
I think it's time for me to keep a distance from everyone. From everything that's happening.
I need time to sort out my thoughts i guess.
I'm tired. Mentally and physically.
Despite everything that's happening, I'm still thankful for everything.
As everything serves as a lesson for me.
I sincerely hope that everything will be fine soon.
I look forward to days when I'll be genuinely happy.
I look forward to days when everything will be back to normal.
Everything will be over very very soon <3
 The Lovely Miss Mary
 kiss me through my phone =]
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complains anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.