<  ">
1st Feb, her day.
AHS, 2G.
Teach her how to laugh.
 I'm born this way.
Posted by Wednesday, July 27, 2011 4:20 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
ITS ME AGAIN. and I have no idea why I'm blogging coz no one reads it anyway. Life haven't been very good for me. I've become super emotional and sensitive nowadays :( And well yea, it sucks. Coz I'll just feel like breaking down over the slightest thing that happened.
Not feeling very well today. Bleah. But right, everytime I'm not sick, I WILL want to fall sick, and when I am sick, I hate it. LOL okay I'm weird. Nothing much to post about coz I have such a boring and uninteresting life. Bleah.
And I have no idea what the hell is going on in you people's mind. Like seriously, appreciate what you are given and NOT demand for anything. Who are you to complain about her? Can't you guys just appreciate what she's doing and say 'thank you' or whatsoever, Seriously lah, you all think is fun ignoring someone? Sorry it's not. Because even as a joke, it can be damn hurtful.
Enough of that. I gotta go study maths soon, but haiz, totally no mood man. I'm so gonna die for tmr's test. Oh and there's napfa too. I'm scared. :( really really scared
 I'm gonna lose my mind.
Posted by Saturday, July 23, 2011 6:31 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
BACK BLOGGING. and i finally fixed my blog skin. HAHAH :D happyhappy~ Life's pretty awesome for me i guess? I can't say its perfect because there was some unpleasant stuff that happened, but all the good stuff made it up :D Went guitar dinner again yesterday. simply awesome~ Guitar mates never fails to make me smile <3 I love them to the very very max.
I can't think of stuff to post. how sad. I've a very boring life. sucks.
I really wonder what will happen to me after you leave. Seriously. Life will be much more mundane without you. No one to go to when I have problems. No one to make me smile and laugh like an idiot. No one will stand up for me after you leave. No one will say such sweet things that will make my heart melt.
I admit that I've that selfish thought of asking you to stay, but it's pretty impossible. Because, we all know what's the best for you.
 It's okay to be afraid.
Posted by Sunday, July 17, 2011 8:09 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Have not been blogging for quite some time~ well that's coz, erm I'm lazy, and there's nth to blog about :) Anyway short update. Friday was awesome. Been such a long time since I was genuinely happy. 11.11 btw (random) Thanks Xavier, yanguang and Victoria for the awesome dinner. And yea! Very long never talk to Xavier properly le, and I'm glad we did on Friday. Went flea on sat. Quite disappointing but I'm happy with my buys :)
 Baby you're a firework.
Posted by Monday, July 11, 2011 4:39 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
I'm mad sad coz smt is wrong with my blogskin and I'm too lazy to go fix it :( Cries. I'm blogging from phone (expected) so no pics! And I've no nice pics nowadays. So cui Liao, where got mood take pictures >< Oh yea, and mr mok said 'okay now take a break. You look very tired.' And I was like, omg are u serious? Do I really look that cui? I tht is just me who can't find the mood for anything, didn't expect it to be so obvious ><
I really want to be the happy girl that I used to be.
 Please don't leave me.
Posted by Sunday, July 10, 2011 7:45 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
It's gonna be an emo post again. So if u are expecting a post filled with happy stuff then u shouldn't read this >< okay all I can say now is life isn't going very well for me. My results are totally screwed up.
Had handover on friday, And I disappointed ALOT of people. I'm sorry :( Sorry linjing, I know u are trying to help me in every way you can, and I'm totally not cherishing it :( And everytime I remember how guilty you looked when you talk to me, I feel damn bad, and feel as if I've totally disappointed you. I'm sorry.
Sorry Xavier, I know you hate it when I start blaming myself, but I really can't help it because I really feel that it's my fault. But I really want to thank you because everytime I feel that I'm such a failure in life, that no one cares about me and no one will be there even if I cry my tears dry, you will be there to ask if I'm okay. And yes, u are the first and the only one who noticed and asked me that on friday. And I'm really thankful for that. And you even tried encouraging me that night. Thanks, I'm glad I have you in my life.
And thanks Chloe. Thanks for reading my tweet and showing me that u care even when it's already almost 2am in the morning. Thanks for telling me that u love me and will be there for me when I feel really really down that day. Thanks for worrying about me when there's actually no néed for you to do that. Thanks for Playing an important role in my life, and encouraging me everytime I need someone to talk to. <3 I love u ALOT ALOT.
And yes, that day, I really cried. Ive let don't ALOT of people and disappointed everyone who gave me their support :( I'm so so sorry. Sorry that I'm not as capable as the others. Sorry that my results ain't as good as theirs. Sorry that I'm not as well liked as them.
 I miss you so bad
Posted by Monday, July 4, 2011 2:09 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Going for movie later :D transformers!
I'm not prepared for anything. Im such a screwed up person. bleah.
 Jet Lag
Posted by 2:08 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
I really don't want to go school anymore. I don't want to see some people. I want to escape from you, and make you leave my mind. I thought I was special, till i see you treating every girl that way.
Posted by Saturday, July 2, 2011 12:03 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
I wanna go back to primary school. I wan to be a kid, whereby the only hurt I get is from scrapped knees.
 I'll survive you.
Posted by Friday, July 1, 2011 8:33 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

teehee back! something is wrong with my blog skin! mad sad, time for a new skin i guess. will go fix it when im free. so today went tamp to design handover cake and buy present for pres and vice pres. SUCCESSFUL. i think the cake is gonna be DAMN freaking awesome. i've decided to write cards for all my seniors. guess i'll do it tmr or smt. monday no school so REJOICE,
And, im starting to feel weird in my new seat. i can't seems to concentrate when i sit there. and i dunno lah. and the funny thing is, i hardly talk when i sit there. and yet i cant concentrate. got 13 in class :D not that bad i guess, can be better though 113/367 in whole standard. better than what i expected, but still got alot of room for improvement. and im mad sad coz i got into english remedial. and the main reason, coz i read the summary instruction wrongly, thus failing my summary, and so, i did damn badly for my english mid year. i swear im gonna work damn hard and get out of remedial as soon as the first english common test is over. like seriously I HATE REMEDIALS.
enough of that congrats to xavier, jieqi, andrea, chloe and all the others who got shortlisted for ip. all the best for interview:D
Things change, people change. and it sucks. i dont know who to trust, who to rely on already. i feel damn lost. although i dont show it, but yes, im damn scared. i feel damn insecure.
"I don't expect anything else other than you acting normally."
 I'm born this way.
Posted by Wednesday, July 27, 2011 4:20 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
ITS ME AGAIN. and I have no idea why I'm blogging coz no one reads it anyway. Life haven't been very good for me. I've become super emotional and sensitive nowadays :( And well yea, it sucks. Coz I'll just feel like breaking down over the slightest thing that happened.
Not feeling very well today. Bleah. But right, everytime I'm not sick, I WILL want to fall sick, and when I am sick, I hate it. LOL okay I'm weird. Nothing much to post about coz I have such a boring and uninteresting life. Bleah.
And I have no idea what the hell is going on in you people's mind. Like seriously, appreciate what you are given and NOT demand for anything. Who are you to complain about her? Can't you guys just appreciate what she's doing and say 'thank you' or whatsoever, Seriously lah, you all think is fun ignoring someone? Sorry it's not. Because even as a joke, it can be damn hurtful.
Enough of that. I gotta go study maths soon, but haiz, totally no mood man. I'm so gonna die for tmr's test. Oh and there's napfa too. I'm scared. :( really really scared
 I'm gonna lose my mind.
Posted by Saturday, July 23, 2011 6:31 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
BACK BLOGGING. and i finally fixed my blog skin. HAHAH :D happyhappy~ Life's pretty awesome for me i guess? I can't say its perfect because there was some unpleasant stuff that happened, but all the good stuff made it up :D Went guitar dinner again yesterday. simply awesome~ Guitar mates never fails to make me smile <3 I love them to the very very max.
I can't think of stuff to post. how sad. I've a very boring life. sucks.
I really wonder what will happen to me after you leave. Seriously. Life will be much more mundane without you. No one to go to when I have problems. No one to make me smile and laugh like an idiot. No one will stand up for me after you leave. No one will say such sweet things that will make my heart melt.
I admit that I've that selfish thought of asking you to stay, but it's pretty impossible. Because, we all know what's the best for you.
 It's okay to be afraid.
Posted by Sunday, July 17, 2011 8:09 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Have not been blogging for quite some time~ well that's coz, erm I'm lazy, and there's nth to blog about :) Anyway short update. Friday was awesome. Been such a long time since I was genuinely happy. 11.11 btw (random) Thanks Xavier, yanguang and Victoria for the awesome dinner. And yea! Very long never talk to Xavier properly le, and I'm glad we did on Friday. Went flea on sat. Quite disappointing but I'm happy with my buys :)
 Baby you're a firework.
Posted by Monday, July 11, 2011 4:39 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
I'm mad sad coz smt is wrong with my blogskin and I'm too lazy to go fix it :( Cries. I'm blogging from phone (expected) so no pics! And I've no nice pics nowadays. So cui Liao, where got mood take pictures >< Oh yea, and mr mok said 'okay now take a break. You look very tired.' And I was like, omg are u serious? Do I really look that cui? I tht is just me who can't find the mood for anything, didn't expect it to be so obvious ><
I really want to be the happy girl that I used to be.
 Please don't leave me.
Posted by Sunday, July 10, 2011 7:45 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
It's gonna be an emo post again. So if u are expecting a post filled with happy stuff then u shouldn't read this >< okay all I can say now is life isn't going very well for me. My results are totally screwed up.
Had handover on friday, And I disappointed ALOT of people. I'm sorry :( Sorry linjing, I know u are trying to help me in every way you can, and I'm totally not cherishing it :( And everytime I remember how guilty you looked when you talk to me, I feel damn bad, and feel as if I've totally disappointed you. I'm sorry.
Sorry Xavier, I know you hate it when I start blaming myself, but I really can't help it because I really feel that it's my fault. But I really want to thank you because everytime I feel that I'm such a failure in life, that no one cares about me and no one will be there even if I cry my tears dry, you will be there to ask if I'm okay. And yes, u are the first and the only one who noticed and asked me that on friday. And I'm really thankful for that. And you even tried encouraging me that night. Thanks, I'm glad I have you in my life.
And thanks Chloe. Thanks for reading my tweet and showing me that u care even when it's already almost 2am in the morning. Thanks for telling me that u love me and will be there for me when I feel really really down that day. Thanks for worrying about me when there's actually no néed for you to do that. Thanks for Playing an important role in my life, and encouraging me everytime I need someone to talk to. <3 I love u ALOT ALOT.
And yes, that day, I really cried. Ive let don't ALOT of people and disappointed everyone who gave me their support :( I'm so so sorry. Sorry that I'm not as capable as the others. Sorry that my results ain't as good as theirs. Sorry that I'm not as well liked as them.
 I miss you so bad
Posted by Monday, July 4, 2011 2:09 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Going for movie later :D transformers!
I'm not prepared for anything. Im such a screwed up person. bleah.
 Jet Lag
Posted by 2:08 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
I really don't want to go school anymore. I don't want to see some people. I want to escape from you, and make you leave my mind. I thought I was special, till i see you treating every girl that way.
Posted by Saturday, July 2, 2011 12:03 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
I wanna go back to primary school. I wan to be a kid, whereby the only hurt I get is from scrapped knees.
 I'll survive you.
Posted by Friday, July 1, 2011 8:33 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

teehee back! something is wrong with my blog skin! mad sad, time for a new skin i guess. will go fix it when im free. so today went tamp to design handover cake and buy present for pres and vice pres. SUCCESSFUL. i think the cake is gonna be DAMN freaking awesome. i've decided to write cards for all my seniors. guess i'll do it tmr or smt. monday no school so REJOICE,
And, im starting to feel weird in my new seat. i can't seems to concentrate when i sit there. and i dunno lah. and the funny thing is, i hardly talk when i sit there. and yet i cant concentrate. got 13 in class :D not that bad i guess, can be better though 113/367 in whole standard. better than what i expected, but still got alot of room for improvement. and im mad sad coz i got into english remedial. and the main reason, coz i read the summary instruction wrongly, thus failing my summary, and so, i did damn badly for my english mid year. i swear im gonna work damn hard and get out of remedial as soon as the first english common test is over. like seriously I HATE REMEDIALS.
enough of that congrats to xavier, jieqi, andrea, chloe and all the others who got shortlisted for ip. all the best for interview:D
Things change, people change. and it sucks. i dont know who to trust, who to rely on already. i feel damn lost. although i dont show it, but yes, im damn scared. i feel damn insecure.
"I don't expect anything else other than you acting normally."
 The Lovely Miss Mary
 kiss me through my phone =]
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complains anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.