<  ">
1st Feb, her day.
AHS, 2G.
Teach her how to laugh.
 We are the best.
Posted by Wednesday, April 27, 2011 7:41 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Omg we got a freaking gold. I burst into tears the moment I heard the results, Like SERIOUSLY?!? it's the judges fault and we are bein penalized for it. Are you bloody serious? I cried and cried and cried. I cry when I hear other ensembles screaming in joy. I cry when people came over and hug me. I cry when people ask me to calm down and stop crying. We were so close to getting gold with honors, We went through so much. From almost not qualifying for syf, to not being able to finish the score, To chionging the first UNAMENDED score and submit it, to qualifying us for syf. To us finishing editin the scores and submit it to them again. We went through so much together as an ensemble.
And I wanna dedicate this post to linjing. Hey our dearest vice president. You are really a good leader. I'm sorry for pissing you off at times And not getting GWH this time. It hurts to see you crying today. You stayed strong no matter what because you know you have to set a good model for us to follow. I really appreciate what you have done to guitar And will definitely set you as my new idol. Jiayou in whatever you do <3
 I love you baobei.
Posted by Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:08 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
HAHAH! I'm still super excited now. I don't know why :) herb I can't calm myself down!
Okay anyway, I love my baobei Chloe :) Hey prettaye, I like shopping with you! And taking to you till late at night! You are super sweet and will make me laugh like shyt :) U are damn smart an hardworking, I feel sp noob compared to you >< Everytime I feel like shyt, u will unknowingly make me smile again :) The way u text is damn cute :) Muacks, I love you! U make me feel loved all the time :) Thanks alot! I'm glad I met an awesome baobei like you ;)
 It's all over now.
Posted by 4:17 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
SYF is over!
And yes, we performed well on stage today :)
Everyone moved and smile!
And mr Shi was please with our performance!
Results will be out tmr, but no matter what, we know we gave our best shot.
What's meant to be will be, so yeah, we can only wish for the best now.
AHGUITAR gives me a sense of belonging,
I really really enjoy prac! I don't know why! :)
Everytime after getting back some lousy marks or been through a whole day of moodswings,
Once I go for prac, I'll forget about everything.
And the ppl there cheers me up! :)
They will hear me rant and rant, and try to encourage me :)
Okay I know this is damn random, but thanks Xavier :)
U were the one who always listen to my crap most of the time,
And when I feel that there's no one I can talk to,
You'll be there.
I really really appreciate it. :)
U will be one of the rare ones who will notice that I'm emo at times.
I will always feel much better after pouring everything out :)
Thanks for being there yea!
And ur jokes never fail to cheer me up :)
I'm gonna dedicate a short paragraph at the end of post.
It's time to thank ppl who's there for me :)
I love AHGUITAR. <3
 Give it your best shot.
Posted by Monday, April 25, 2011 3:52 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay so yes, SYF is like freaking tomorrow.
Im super nervous and scared now ><
I went on fb the moment I reached home just now.
And yes, I was touched when I saw all the 'good luck' posts for AHGUITAR ;)
I really appreciate it ppl, thanks :)
Although the SYF standard have gone up this year,
But I have faith in AHGUITAR.
Okay elit drama went pretty well I guess :)
Mrs mohan and mr banerjee seems to have enjoyed it :) YAY.
well done guys ^^
I can't think of anything right now other than guitar ><
Tomorrow is the day, to prove to others that AHGUITAR is capable of achieving 3 GWS. <3 Jiayou.
 We can do this, as a team.
Posted by Sunday, April 24, 2011 6:21 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
2 more days to SYF. I can hardly concentrate on any other things now. :) Mr Shi finally see some hope durin our Saturday prac! YAY BABY, AHGUITAR JIAYOUUUUU we need to make him feel Secure k? :) Gold with honors will be ours, for sure :) You reap what you sow, With our hard work, we can achieve everything that we want :)
And I don't care anymore. I texted, post on fb wall, and even tried calling. You guys don't wanna reply, Why should I care so much? Let's just die together lah.
Elit drama tmr! Kinda nervous but SYF is still my top priority. But nevertheless, I will still do my best tmr :)
Team = together we can achieve more :)
 What's meant to be will be.
Posted by Wednesday, April 20, 2011 4:27 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hello~ Okay i don't care already, I'm gonna go china :) I don't wanna regret when I go to upper sec >< syf is scarily near, and I hope everyone can put in their best Everytime I see linjing's reaction when so many ppl skip prac, I feel real bad. At this point of time, We really really need to focus! ITS JUST 6 DAYS AWAY. PLEASE GUYS, JUST GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT. please, I beg you guys. I don't like seeing ppl being disappointed. That feeling sucks, seriously.
 Leave me alone.
Posted by Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:34 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay I dunno why I'm blogging again >< Tmr's gonna be a LONG day for me I guess, assembly again. Haiz. 6 days left, I'm counting down! Super uber nervous >< Not going china already :( But nvm it might be a blessing in disguise, My parents are considering bring our family somewhere further! YAY :)
I love you for who you are and not what you want to be.
 You've changed. And it sucks.
Posted by 4:56 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hello, somehow today is a depression day for me. Sigh.. Well firstly, I screwed my science test :( Shall not elaborate on that lah. HAIZ Okay the next thing that pissed me off was during geog. As in seriously lah, what's your problem? I also never do anything to you right -.- Aiya see my phone get confiscated you very happy izzit? You use phone I also never say anything what. Pot calling the kettle black man, seriously. Just MYOB lah -.- Seriously, you've changed, alot alot. Till I no longer understand you anymore
Oh and I really really wanna go china :( But like no one go with me:( super sad can? Aiya, I'm too exhausted physically and mentally to think about anything now. SYF is nearing, and the thought of it just give me the jitters. It's like ever since choir got gold, the pressure on AHGuitar is much more now. Everyone is depending on us to get the only GWH for the school, And I really don't wanna disappoint anyone :( A big thank you to all those who supported us and encouraged us :) It helps, and I really appreciate it.
It's easy to forgive, but hard to forget. Always remember that.
 Hang in there, Just a little more to go.
Posted by Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:44 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay this post is specially dedicated to all AHGuitarians Hello guitarians, I know everyone is exhausted after practice everyday, and will have no more mood to do anything That's how I feel everyday too. But it's just 1 week left. Let's all jiayou and give the ensemble a one last push, So that we can achieve GWH together :) We don't want our seniors effort to be wasted right? We have hang in there for last few months, So all the more should we hang in there now :) Together as one, we can achieve good results.
There's no 'I' in teamwork, but there's 'WE'. Together as 1, we can achieve better results.
Jiayou ppl, hang in there <3
Posted by Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:39 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yay! Back blogging again >< hmm okay short update 25/30 for maths, and yea that's the only thing I got back :) HAHAH actually I don't know what to blog about, Okay yea, I have got a boring life >< oh right, and DAMN IT. stop complaining dude -.- U were given a choice okay, we didn't force you to follow or anything
 Pretty pretty please,
Posted by Tuesday, April 12, 2011 6:25 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Heylo! Back blogging :) hehe Had maths ct and history test today. Erm not that bad I guess? :D HAHA. we lost the interclass design competition! :( But nvm we had fun making the costume though ^^
13 days to SYF. GO GUITAR. Gold with honors and nth less okay? <3 I know we can do it so let's all JIAYOU! :) JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE. work harder and don't let mr Shi down okay? Hmm no pic again Coz I lazy to on the com, So yea, bloggin from phone again :) TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO IS CURRENTLY FEELING EMO OR DISHEARTENED: don't be okay! There will always be someone out there to care for you, So stay strong :) Always remember that everything happen for a reason, And after a hurricane comes a rainbow :) So to see beautiful rainbows, u will have to go through a series of hurricanes first ^^ so hang in there, and soon, everything will be fine :D
 Stay with me, please.
Posted by Sunday, April 10, 2011 7:07 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

Second post in a day :D I doubt anyone will read it anyway, so im just blogging for erm, i dont know >< Actually, I have nothing to say, too lazy to type long post these days. Hais >< Okay, not like anyone is gonna read, but, a blog always look better with long post :D HAHA SEE, I POSTED PICS OKAY! :D yea, from weheartit ^^ sorry never remove the link >< LAZY :p
 Under the moonlight,
Posted by 5:56 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

"Don't judge me based on your ignorance." Okay I saw this quote on Mr Zai Kia's msn picture :D And thought it was kinda cool, so yea, decided to share it with you people :D Sorry for not posting for quite some time, I'm like REALLY busy, and in fact, I should be blogging now. There's still alot of stuff to be completed by today. But, nvm. I need a break. >< Yesterday's literature rehearsal was erm, successful I guess :D And yes, it's really fun, too bad heidi couldn't joins us >< XAVIER, hope you are feeling better now! :D
Short post, needa get back to work :D so seeya! ^^
 I need a break.
Posted by Monday, April 4, 2011 8:06 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Teehee its me again :) Im like so uber bored so yea, decided to blog to keep my blog alive yea? Okay schedule for the week: Monday-nth :) Tuesday-CIP to Chesire Home Wednesday- Guitar prac Thursday- Guitar prac Friday- Guitar prac Saturday- STILL GUITAR PRAC and chiong project :) FYI, I haven't started on my ACC and geog PowerPoint. :) Progress for DnT detailed developement = 0% and everything is due next week :) OH RIGHT, and I haven't complete the Chinese hw, which is like SUPER OVERDUED :) okay not super, maybe just erm 2 weeks?xD Okay I'm screwed :) School is freaking hectic these days and yes, I NEED A BREAK. deadlines to be met, goals to be achieved and many more, haiz, Typical sec school like I guess >< ITS 11.11 now! :) Okay random ^^ btw in case u are wondering why this post is picture-less again, I'm using my phone for this post :) So yea, gtg!
 Believe in the power of a Smile.
Posted by Saturday, April 2, 2011 11:24 PM with 0 notes | add more notes

I have no idea what im gonna blog today. >< Read this quote on we heartit: "The best accessory a girl can own, is her confidence." And I somehow agree with it. No matter what you have, it will never be as good as the confidence you have for yourself. Suddenly, I felt that I'm so easily contented, and I have no idea whether it's good or bad :D A smile a day, keep my worries away. Just a smile from you, and it made my day :D haha, guess it's good i guess, zi zu chang le ^^
 What are words.
Posted by 8:15 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

"I'm forever keeping my angel close" MY THIRD POST OF THE DAY! :D Anyway, I'm obsessed with the song, What are words by Chris Medina. It's really really nice. like seriously. I almost teared when I watched the recording process. His girlfriend is really fortunate. Although she met with a car accident and became paralyzed, I think it's a blessing in disguise. At least she came to realise that her boyfriend really love her, and will be there for her. Isn't it sweet? :D I mean like, what else can beat the feeling of you knowing someone is always there for you?
 Make the first move.
Posted by 6:18 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Pretty pics from weheartit.
Make the first move, please.
Anyway, napped just now after guitar prac,
and woke up to
Missed calls:
Heidi (3)
Chloe (2)
LOL and none of them is picking up their phones up till now.
All MIA ><

Posted by 1:02 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
For the sake of my Dearest Chloe (who actually reads my blog) I will try to post more often :) Haha anyway no pic again coz I'm blogging from my phone :) Had guitar prac today, quite good I think? I PASSES THE SYF AUDITION! yay! :) FYI, i was damn scared and I was like shivering >< for those who's gonna have reaudition, or given warning, Jiayou! :) have faith in yourself yea! Don't be disheartened, just work harder, And prove to mrs koh that you all can play well :) Short post lah, Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMOS, ARINA, SHU YI, AND HASHIM ;) 2nd April, a day for birthdays ^^
 We are the best.
Posted by Wednesday, April 27, 2011 7:41 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Omg we got a freaking gold. I burst into tears the moment I heard the results, Like SERIOUSLY?!? it's the judges fault and we are bein penalized for it. Are you bloody serious? I cried and cried and cried. I cry when I hear other ensembles screaming in joy. I cry when people came over and hug me. I cry when people ask me to calm down and stop crying. We were so close to getting gold with honors, We went through so much. From almost not qualifying for syf, to not being able to finish the score, To chionging the first UNAMENDED score and submit it, to qualifying us for syf. To us finishing editin the scores and submit it to them again. We went through so much together as an ensemble.
And I wanna dedicate this post to linjing. Hey our dearest vice president. You are really a good leader. I'm sorry for pissing you off at times And not getting GWH this time. It hurts to see you crying today. You stayed strong no matter what because you know you have to set a good model for us to follow. I really appreciate what you have done to guitar And will definitely set you as my new idol. Jiayou in whatever you do <3
 I love you baobei.
Posted by Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:08 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
HAHAH! I'm still super excited now. I don't know why :) herb I can't calm myself down!
Okay anyway, I love my baobei Chloe :) Hey prettaye, I like shopping with you! And taking to you till late at night! You are super sweet and will make me laugh like shyt :) U are damn smart an hardworking, I feel sp noob compared to you >< Everytime I feel like shyt, u will unknowingly make me smile again :) The way u text is damn cute :) Muacks, I love you! U make me feel loved all the time :) Thanks alot! I'm glad I met an awesome baobei like you ;)
 It's all over now.
Posted by 4:17 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
SYF is over!
And yes, we performed well on stage today :)
Everyone moved and smile!
And mr Shi was please with our performance!
Results will be out tmr, but no matter what, we know we gave our best shot.
What's meant to be will be, so yeah, we can only wish for the best now.
AHGUITAR gives me a sense of belonging,
I really really enjoy prac! I don't know why! :)
Everytime after getting back some lousy marks or been through a whole day of moodswings,
Once I go for prac, I'll forget about everything.
And the ppl there cheers me up! :)
They will hear me rant and rant, and try to encourage me :)
Okay I know this is damn random, but thanks Xavier :)
U were the one who always listen to my crap most of the time,
And when I feel that there's no one I can talk to,
You'll be there.
I really really appreciate it. :)
U will be one of the rare ones who will notice that I'm emo at times.
I will always feel much better after pouring everything out :)
Thanks for being there yea!
And ur jokes never fail to cheer me up :)
I'm gonna dedicate a short paragraph at the end of post.
It's time to thank ppl who's there for me :)
I love AHGUITAR. <3
 Give it your best shot.
Posted by Monday, April 25, 2011 3:52 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay so yes, SYF is like freaking tomorrow.
Im super nervous and scared now ><
I went on fb the moment I reached home just now.
And yes, I was touched when I saw all the 'good luck' posts for AHGUITAR ;)
I really appreciate it ppl, thanks :)
Although the SYF standard have gone up this year,
But I have faith in AHGUITAR.
Okay elit drama went pretty well I guess :)
Mrs mohan and mr banerjee seems to have enjoyed it :) YAY.
well done guys ^^
I can't think of anything right now other than guitar ><
Tomorrow is the day, to prove to others that AHGUITAR is capable of achieving 3 GWS. <3 Jiayou.
 We can do this, as a team.
Posted by Sunday, April 24, 2011 6:21 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
2 more days to SYF. I can hardly concentrate on any other things now. :) Mr Shi finally see some hope durin our Saturday prac! YAY BABY, AHGUITAR JIAYOUUUUU we need to make him feel Secure k? :) Gold with honors will be ours, for sure :) You reap what you sow, With our hard work, we can achieve everything that we want :)
And I don't care anymore. I texted, post on fb wall, and even tried calling. You guys don't wanna reply, Why should I care so much? Let's just die together lah.
Elit drama tmr! Kinda nervous but SYF is still my top priority. But nevertheless, I will still do my best tmr :)
Team = together we can achieve more :)
 What's meant to be will be.
Posted by Wednesday, April 20, 2011 4:27 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hello~ Okay i don't care already, I'm gonna go china :) I don't wanna regret when I go to upper sec >< syf is scarily near, and I hope everyone can put in their best Everytime I see linjing's reaction when so many ppl skip prac, I feel real bad. At this point of time, We really really need to focus! ITS JUST 6 DAYS AWAY. PLEASE GUYS, JUST GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT. please, I beg you guys. I don't like seeing ppl being disappointed. That feeling sucks, seriously.
 Leave me alone.
Posted by Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:34 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay I dunno why I'm blogging again >< Tmr's gonna be a LONG day for me I guess, assembly again. Haiz. 6 days left, I'm counting down! Super uber nervous >< Not going china already :( But nvm it might be a blessing in disguise, My parents are considering bring our family somewhere further! YAY :)
I love you for who you are and not what you want to be.
 You've changed. And it sucks.
Posted by 4:56 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hello, somehow today is a depression day for me. Sigh.. Well firstly, I screwed my science test :( Shall not elaborate on that lah. HAIZ Okay the next thing that pissed me off was during geog. As in seriously lah, what's your problem? I also never do anything to you right -.- Aiya see my phone get confiscated you very happy izzit? You use phone I also never say anything what. Pot calling the kettle black man, seriously. Just MYOB lah -.- Seriously, you've changed, alot alot. Till I no longer understand you anymore
Oh and I really really wanna go china :( But like no one go with me:( super sad can? Aiya, I'm too exhausted physically and mentally to think about anything now. SYF is nearing, and the thought of it just give me the jitters. It's like ever since choir got gold, the pressure on AHGuitar is much more now. Everyone is depending on us to get the only GWH for the school, And I really don't wanna disappoint anyone :( A big thank you to all those who supported us and encouraged us :) It helps, and I really appreciate it.
It's easy to forgive, but hard to forget. Always remember that.
 Hang in there, Just a little more to go.
Posted by Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:44 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay this post is specially dedicated to all AHGuitarians Hello guitarians, I know everyone is exhausted after practice everyday, and will have no more mood to do anything That's how I feel everyday too. But it's just 1 week left. Let's all jiayou and give the ensemble a one last push, So that we can achieve GWH together :) We don't want our seniors effort to be wasted right? We have hang in there for last few months, So all the more should we hang in there now :) Together as one, we can achieve good results.
There's no 'I' in teamwork, but there's 'WE'. Together as 1, we can achieve better results.
Jiayou ppl, hang in there <3
Posted by Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:39 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yay! Back blogging again >< hmm okay short update 25/30 for maths, and yea that's the only thing I got back :) HAHAH actually I don't know what to blog about, Okay yea, I have got a boring life >< oh right, and DAMN IT. stop complaining dude -.- U were given a choice okay, we didn't force you to follow or anything
 Pretty pretty please,
Posted by Tuesday, April 12, 2011 6:25 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Heylo! Back blogging :) hehe Had maths ct and history test today. Erm not that bad I guess? :D HAHA. we lost the interclass design competition! :( But nvm we had fun making the costume though ^^
13 days to SYF. GO GUITAR. Gold with honors and nth less okay? <3 I know we can do it so let's all JIAYOU! :) JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE. work harder and don't let mr Shi down okay? Hmm no pic again Coz I lazy to on the com, So yea, bloggin from phone again :) TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO IS CURRENTLY FEELING EMO OR DISHEARTENED: don't be okay! There will always be someone out there to care for you, So stay strong :) Always remember that everything happen for a reason, And after a hurricane comes a rainbow :) So to see beautiful rainbows, u will have to go through a series of hurricanes first ^^ so hang in there, and soon, everything will be fine :D
 Stay with me, please.
Posted by Sunday, April 10, 2011 7:07 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

Second post in a day :D I doubt anyone will read it anyway, so im just blogging for erm, i dont know >< Actually, I have nothing to say, too lazy to type long post these days. Hais >< Okay, not like anyone is gonna read, but, a blog always look better with long post :D HAHA SEE, I POSTED PICS OKAY! :D yea, from weheartit ^^ sorry never remove the link >< LAZY :p
 Under the moonlight,
Posted by 5:56 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

"Don't judge me based on your ignorance." Okay I saw this quote on Mr Zai Kia's msn picture :D And thought it was kinda cool, so yea, decided to share it with you people :D Sorry for not posting for quite some time, I'm like REALLY busy, and in fact, I should be blogging now. There's still alot of stuff to be completed by today. But, nvm. I need a break. >< Yesterday's literature rehearsal was erm, successful I guess :D And yes, it's really fun, too bad heidi couldn't joins us >< XAVIER, hope you are feeling better now! :D
Short post, needa get back to work :D so seeya! ^^
 I need a break.
Posted by Monday, April 4, 2011 8:06 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Teehee its me again :) Im like so uber bored so yea, decided to blog to keep my blog alive yea? Okay schedule for the week: Monday-nth :) Tuesday-CIP to Chesire Home Wednesday- Guitar prac Thursday- Guitar prac Friday- Guitar prac Saturday- STILL GUITAR PRAC and chiong project :) FYI, I haven't started on my ACC and geog PowerPoint. :) Progress for DnT detailed developement = 0% and everything is due next week :) OH RIGHT, and I haven't complete the Chinese hw, which is like SUPER OVERDUED :) okay not super, maybe just erm 2 weeks?xD Okay I'm screwed :) School is freaking hectic these days and yes, I NEED A BREAK. deadlines to be met, goals to be achieved and many more, haiz, Typical sec school like I guess >< ITS 11.11 now! :) Okay random ^^ btw in case u are wondering why this post is picture-less again, I'm using my phone for this post :) So yea, gtg!
 Believe in the power of a Smile.
Posted by Saturday, April 2, 2011 11:24 PM with 0 notes | add more notes

I have no idea what im gonna blog today. >< Read this quote on we heartit: "The best accessory a girl can own, is her confidence." And I somehow agree with it. No matter what you have, it will never be as good as the confidence you have for yourself. Suddenly, I felt that I'm so easily contented, and I have no idea whether it's good or bad :D A smile a day, keep my worries away. Just a smile from you, and it made my day :D haha, guess it's good i guess, zi zu chang le ^^
 What are words.
Posted by 8:15 AM with 0 notes | add more notes

"I'm forever keeping my angel close" MY THIRD POST OF THE DAY! :D Anyway, I'm obsessed with the song, What are words by Chris Medina. It's really really nice. like seriously. I almost teared when I watched the recording process. His girlfriend is really fortunate. Although she met with a car accident and became paralyzed, I think it's a blessing in disguise. At least she came to realise that her boyfriend really love her, and will be there for her. Isn't it sweet? :D I mean like, what else can beat the feeling of you knowing someone is always there for you?
 Make the first move.
Posted by 6:18 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Pretty pics from weheartit.
Make the first move, please.
Anyway, napped just now after guitar prac,
and woke up to
Missed calls:
Heidi (3)
Chloe (2)
LOL and none of them is picking up their phones up till now.
All MIA ><

Posted by 1:02 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
For the sake of my Dearest Chloe (who actually reads my blog) I will try to post more often :) Haha anyway no pic again coz I'm blogging from my phone :) Had guitar prac today, quite good I think? I PASSES THE SYF AUDITION! yay! :) FYI, i was damn scared and I was like shivering >< for those who's gonna have reaudition, or given warning, Jiayou! :) have faith in yourself yea! Don't be disheartened, just work harder, And prove to mrs koh that you all can play well :) Short post lah, Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMOS, ARINA, SHU YI, AND HASHIM ;) 2nd April, a day for birthdays ^^
 The Lovely Miss Mary
 kiss me through my phone =]
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complains anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.