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1st Feb, her day.
AHS, 2G.
Teach her how to laugh.
Posted by Thursday, November 25, 2010 11:41 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Changed my cbox! Hopefully the spamming will stop, it's seriously annoying. Nothing much happened these few days. Went for prac ALONE yesterday.. Was the only sec 1 girl left in guitar 1 -.- Had fun laughing at QiQing And Tania playing the POP style of "Fur Elise" :D The prac was delayed for almost 2 hours. D: Went prac ended, it was drizzling already. Tania and I ran all the way to the MRT station :D FUNN~ the sky was freaking dark btw. :D Train-ed back with Victoria, Jordyn, Xavier and Yi Xin :D Anyway, it;s kinda fun smsing Yi Xin :D It's nice to know more about our guitar mates right? HAA
Short post i guess? no mood to post. Looking forward to class party! See ya, 1A!
OHYA! Before I end, just wanna say, I bought a new MP3 :D And it's AWESOME. HAH <3
 I don't know what I want.
Posted by Saturday, November 20, 2010 8:29 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
AHH! I can't make up my mind! Should I tell? Or should I not? OMG! someone help me please! :( I read some stuff last night, I got superly de emo.. HAIZ I think I'm too serious this time. First time feeling this way, and I seriously hate it. Such a bad feeling :( Everything I do, can seriously relate to you, why is it like that? D: Tell me what you are thinking please? Sometimes you are like so nice, sometimes tou can be really mean to me. So what am I suppose to do? HAIS.
Posted by Friday, November 19, 2010 3:26 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Wasted one whole day today. HAIZ. Just found out that there are stickys selling at tamp timesquare! :D ME WANT! Anyone wanna go with me? PLEASE? pretty please :D HAHA
Anyway, holidays are not that nice after all.
Short post. i wonder who actually read my posts. LOL thanks if u are one of those uh
Posted by Thursday, November 18, 2010 9:48 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Wow didnt update for 4 days already. :P HEHE and went shopping for the past few days, and it's like freaking awesome. LOL Bought super lots of stuff, spent $145 on tuesday, and $23 bucks yesterday! :D HAHA Went for alot of pracs this week, and there are more next weeek. LOL
Can someone pleasepleaseplease jio me out? for movie or anything! even if it's just lunch. I really needa go out! It's so boring at home D:
Short post, PS I'm in love with tumblr. I'm still trying to get you off my mind.
Posted by Monday, November 15, 2010 4:11 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
These two days super busy. Hahah :) yesterday went to celebrate Jacob's birthday :) kinda awesome uh! Hahah :) just realized that 1A guys are all so gentleman :) hah! This is directed MAINLY at zhi feng, zheng yu, wei pin, zhi peng and Jacob :) Thanks lots :) and wait, not everything is about me please. Haha! Bowling was AWESOME! Zheng Yu super tyco de uh! :P reached home at 11.30 :X I know it's late. Hahahah :)
Slept at 12 plus and woke up at 8 to go for prac rushed home after guitar to go parkway for lunch steamboat ftw! It's awesome :) hahah went to a relative's house to visit their babies :) and, CHLOE, I found another baby that likes me :) she is uberly de cute uh! And I carried her for more than half the time I was at her house :) (ps she doesn't want anyone else especially guys) Wow long post :) haha gtg!
Posted by Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:10 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Gonna change my cbox soon! Hahah
Posted by Friday, November 12, 2010 7:35 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
TaDaaaa! Just created a new tumblr ^^ Visit it yea? www.reminiscing-thepast.tumblr.com Hmm i seriously wonder if there's anyone reading my blog uh. haha
Oh yea, there's someone who is so freaking retarded, impersonating people's name to tag at my tagboard. Giving idiotic links. What kind a coward. If you dare, type your real name there uh!
Let's not talk about that, spoil my mood :D Had prac today, learned another new song "La Playa" Don't really like it, and yes, i can't remember. LOL Got our guitar tee, its awesome! :D HAHA
I'm excited for sunday uh! ^^ Ain't you excited too? @Zheng yu, @Zhi Feng, @Zhi Peng, @Weipin HAHA! :D
I'm goona blog more often i guess? There's more guitar prac next week! AHH :D but nvm, i love prac. HAHA
Posted by Wednesday, November 10, 2010 3:05 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
HMM its me again :D HAA okay anyway, went out with chloe and heidi just now. SHOPPED FOR.. NOTEBOOKS. LOL :D then went to J.C.O And bought 3 couple yogurt. LOL Sat there for more than erm.. an hour. LOL
Yesterday went to qiqing house, before that, met jacob at tanah merah MRT to pass him his EARLY birthday present :D GLAD THAT HE LIKE THE DRUM STICK! :D hahah Had fun laughing at Qi qing :D
Short post.. uber lazy to blog. HAHA IM BROKE :D
Posted by Sunday, November 7, 2010 6:40 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hello! Back blogging again. My blog is kinda active now uh? Haha that's awesome, I know :D anyway went to watch megamind yesterday, super duper de nice! Was laughing like crazy coz super funny! :) anyway, now that it the holidays, I miss school! :( hahah I forgot what I wanted ro say so nvm. I read someone's profile just now, and got pretty emo uh! So uber de sad yea? And I officially hate 15th September! I hatehatehate it! Don't ask why pls
short post uh! Smsing now ;) haha
Posted by Thursday, November 4, 2010 12:57 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Updating again :D Anyway, had class outing yesterday! quite fun uh! :D Although there were quarrels in between, but overall, it's still nice :D Played some class bonding games at the beach. Oh before that, we reached the beach at around 2, so it was freaking WARM. :D Dog and bone with our class peeps is simple AWESOME. (Y) Went rollerblading after that. FYI, i dont know how to blade, so... winn and valerie was like trying to teach us :D ahha scream like crazy cause i was not able to balance.. BLEAH! played till like 6 :D HAHA then discussed where to go for dinner, and the discussion wasnt a very pleasant one. :P okay we (the girls) end up eating burger king, while the guys ate mac. LOL so when we were looking for the toilet, we met the guys again :P they actually waited for us, cause they think that we wiwll be taking public transport :P so they followed us to the carpark, and realised that chloe's dad was actually fetching us back. Felt for bad for pangseh-ing them :P But overall, the outing is AWESOME <3
Im ending my post le. Will blog soon :D Cross my heart. P.S. I'm trying to forget you.
Posted by Thursday, November 25, 2010 11:41 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Changed my cbox! Hopefully the spamming will stop, it's seriously annoying. Nothing much happened these few days. Went for prac ALONE yesterday.. Was the only sec 1 girl left in guitar 1 -.- Had fun laughing at QiQing And Tania playing the POP style of "Fur Elise" :D The prac was delayed for almost 2 hours. D: Went prac ended, it was drizzling already. Tania and I ran all the way to the MRT station :D FUNN~ the sky was freaking dark btw. :D Train-ed back with Victoria, Jordyn, Xavier and Yi Xin :D Anyway, it;s kinda fun smsing Yi Xin :D It's nice to know more about our guitar mates right? HAA
Short post i guess? no mood to post. Looking forward to class party! See ya, 1A!
OHYA! Before I end, just wanna say, I bought a new MP3 :D And it's AWESOME. HAH <3
 I don't know what I want.
Posted by Saturday, November 20, 2010 8:29 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
AHH! I can't make up my mind! Should I tell? Or should I not? OMG! someone help me please! :( I read some stuff last night, I got superly de emo.. HAIZ I think I'm too serious this time. First time feeling this way, and I seriously hate it. Such a bad feeling :( Everything I do, can seriously relate to you, why is it like that? D: Tell me what you are thinking please? Sometimes you are like so nice, sometimes tou can be really mean to me. So what am I suppose to do? HAIS.
Posted by Friday, November 19, 2010 3:26 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Wasted one whole day today. HAIZ. Just found out that there are stickys selling at tamp timesquare! :D ME WANT! Anyone wanna go with me? PLEASE? pretty please :D HAHA
Anyway, holidays are not that nice after all.
Short post. i wonder who actually read my posts. LOL thanks if u are one of those uh
Posted by Thursday, November 18, 2010 9:48 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Wow didnt update for 4 days already. :P HEHE and went shopping for the past few days, and it's like freaking awesome. LOL Bought super lots of stuff, spent $145 on tuesday, and $23 bucks yesterday! :D HAHA Went for alot of pracs this week, and there are more next weeek. LOL
Can someone pleasepleaseplease jio me out? for movie or anything! even if it's just lunch. I really needa go out! It's so boring at home D:
Short post, PS I'm in love with tumblr. I'm still trying to get you off my mind.
Posted by Monday, November 15, 2010 4:11 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
These two days super busy. Hahah :) yesterday went to celebrate Jacob's birthday :) kinda awesome uh! Hahah :) just realized that 1A guys are all so gentleman :) hah! This is directed MAINLY at zhi feng, zheng yu, wei pin, zhi peng and Jacob :) Thanks lots :) and wait, not everything is about me please. Haha! Bowling was AWESOME! Zheng Yu super tyco de uh! :P reached home at 11.30 :X I know it's late. Hahahah :)
Slept at 12 plus and woke up at 8 to go for prac rushed home after guitar to go parkway for lunch steamboat ftw! It's awesome :) hahah went to a relative's house to visit their babies :) and, CHLOE, I found another baby that likes me :) she is uberly de cute uh! And I carried her for more than half the time I was at her house :) (ps she doesn't want anyone else especially guys) Wow long post :) haha gtg!
Posted by Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:10 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Gonna change my cbox soon! Hahah
Posted by Friday, November 12, 2010 7:35 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
TaDaaaa! Just created a new tumblr ^^ Visit it yea? www.reminiscing-thepast.tumblr.com Hmm i seriously wonder if there's anyone reading my blog uh. haha
Oh yea, there's someone who is so freaking retarded, impersonating people's name to tag at my tagboard. Giving idiotic links. What kind a coward. If you dare, type your real name there uh!
Let's not talk about that, spoil my mood :D Had prac today, learned another new song "La Playa" Don't really like it, and yes, i can't remember. LOL Got our guitar tee, its awesome! :D HAHA
I'm excited for sunday uh! ^^ Ain't you excited too? @Zheng yu, @Zhi Feng, @Zhi Peng, @Weipin HAHA! :D
I'm goona blog more often i guess? There's more guitar prac next week! AHH :D but nvm, i love prac. HAHA
Posted by Wednesday, November 10, 2010 3:05 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
HMM its me again :D HAA okay anyway, went out with chloe and heidi just now. SHOPPED FOR.. NOTEBOOKS. LOL :D then went to J.C.O And bought 3 couple yogurt. LOL Sat there for more than erm.. an hour. LOL
Yesterday went to qiqing house, before that, met jacob at tanah merah MRT to pass him his EARLY birthday present :D GLAD THAT HE LIKE THE DRUM STICK! :D hahah Had fun laughing at Qi qing :D
Short post.. uber lazy to blog. HAHA IM BROKE :D
Posted by Sunday, November 7, 2010 6:40 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hello! Back blogging again. My blog is kinda active now uh? Haha that's awesome, I know :D anyway went to watch megamind yesterday, super duper de nice! Was laughing like crazy coz super funny! :) anyway, now that it the holidays, I miss school! :( hahah I forgot what I wanted ro say so nvm. I read someone's profile just now, and got pretty emo uh! So uber de sad yea? And I officially hate 15th September! I hatehatehate it! Don't ask why pls
short post uh! Smsing now ;) haha
Posted by Thursday, November 4, 2010 12:57 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Updating again :D Anyway, had class outing yesterday! quite fun uh! :D Although there were quarrels in between, but overall, it's still nice :D Played some class bonding games at the beach. Oh before that, we reached the beach at around 2, so it was freaking WARM. :D Dog and bone with our class peeps is simple AWESOME. (Y) Went rollerblading after that. FYI, i dont know how to blade, so... winn and valerie was like trying to teach us :D ahha scream like crazy cause i was not able to balance.. BLEAH! played till like 6 :D HAHA then discussed where to go for dinner, and the discussion wasnt a very pleasant one. :P okay we (the girls) end up eating burger king, while the guys ate mac. LOL so when we were looking for the toilet, we met the guys again :P they actually waited for us, cause they think that we wiwll be taking public transport :P so they followed us to the carpark, and realised that chloe's dad was actually fetching us back. Felt for bad for pangseh-ing them :P But overall, the outing is AWESOME <3
Im ending my post le. Will blog soon :D Cross my heart. P.S. I'm trying to forget you.
 The Lovely Miss Mary
 kiss me through my phone =]
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complains anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.