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1st Feb, her day.
AHS, 2G.
Teach her how to laugh.
Posted by Friday, October 29, 2010 9:00 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay I know I shouldn't be blogging at this hour but I'm just so bored! Haha anyway, I saw smt which made me emo again! :( omg why am I so easily affected! AHHH! Nvm luckily it's not in the day, or else I will hav no mood for anything le! Hahahahah okay I claimed that I am emo, but I'm actually haha-ing LOL:) anyway, had fun smsing Wesley while watching america's got talent. And it's really sad to see those who actually got eliminated. Just by looking at their tears made me feel sad as well. They made me realized that it actually takes alot of hardwork to realize one's dream. It's saddening to see them putting in so much effort, giving up on their career for the competition, yet, everything went into vain. But that's life uh? You can never get what you want. Whenever you have a reason to be happy, you will somehow also be able to find an excuse which spoils everything for you. How pathetic is that. LOL I shall end this kinda emo post, before everyone thinks that I'm an emo girl! :) I'm not! Anyway, goodnight guys! :)
Lots of love, CHARMAYNE!
Posted by Thursday, October 28, 2010 10:41 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Back BLOGGING! :D Anyway, it was the last day of school yesterday! uber sian TTM. I don't wanna split class uh! :( Had prac yesterday, learnt el bimbo, and mulata. MULATA SUCKS TTM. so uberuber de hard. :P GUITAR DINNER WAS AWESOME! :D so uber de fun. hahahaha! :D Went to the national museum with winn and zhi feng on wednesday. FUN TTM! :D Camwhore like crazy with winn, and kept on laughing at zhi feng. NO SENSE OF URGENCY. Zhi feng got stuck outside the mrt. HAIZ and winn and I had to wait for him at the next station. Waste time right? NO SENSE OF URGENCY AR U! :D But it was still fun though! :D HAHA anyway, short post. lazy blog le!
Posted by Thursday, October 21, 2010 5:37 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Got back my results today. And it seriously sucks ttm can? Hais, i shall post my DEPRESSING GRADES here haha...
English- 37/50 for compre and summary Chinese-50/70 for compo 13/20 for si han 65.5/90 for paper itself Science-63.5/100(i know, it sucks ttm) Maths- a disappointing 43/80 D: can die uh! overall 68/100. I'm so dumb uh? HAIS Malay-27/50 (I PASS!)
It's so noob right? i know.. omg, seriously can die from depression liao uh.. Let's not talk about it anymore lah. hahah :D Today is FREAKING HAZY. and it's so irritating for my nose.. Was sneezing like crazy, and my eyes were like super teary LOL Went lunch with Heidi, Chloe, Victoria and Edina at carl's junior after school today, awesome much yea? HAH :D Edina's new nickname-DIRTY PREDATOR! :D
haha short post,no mood to blog uh
Posted by Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:27 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
OMG! Today's class outing is soooooooo awesome! First, we went to Simei to have lunch, so I took the time to go home and bathe first. Hahhaha! :) okay, when we reached zhi feng's house, we started off with some mass hide and seek. :) damn fun but uber tiring! Hahah then after that started raining! BLEAH! Haha CAMWHORING is so awesome with my babe and pokey! Omg took damnnn lots of pics hahah! Chit chat like crazy! Hahaha didn't join the guys for dinner though, and we went bak at 5.30. Hehe more 1A people should have went with us lor! Really good time to bond! Hahahah shall upload some pics soon, make you guys jealous of the fun we had had! Hahah jkjk :) short post! Sryyy
Posted by Monday, October 18, 2010 1:54 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
BOO BACK BLOGGING! :D i have been blogging quite frequently yea? YAYNESS FOR ME :D Anyawy, lost in captain's ball match D: LOL IM GOING ZF HOUSE TOMORROW AND IMMA AWESOME :D hehe random~ okay nvm, im here to continue my devotions anyway :D
Let's Begin! :D
To: MY ANDREA POKEYY! :D Pokeyy! Omg poking you is so awesome! ;) heheh I love chit chatting with you! And yea, u calling me maynee is just so awesome okay! Heheh! Thanks for always cheerin me up! And encouraging me whenever I'm feeling down. You even stand up for me when the guys in our class teased me. I really apprecite it alot! Imma always here for you alright? ILOVEYOU! MAYNEE, CHARMAYNE!!!
To: MY ZHI FENG PRESIDENT! :D Boo ya! I tagged at your blog le okay! :D anyway, i really love talking to you, u can always cheer me up you know? how awesome is that man! and you really really helped me alot this year! THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH! :D haha, JIAYOU IN BECOMING THE NEXT PRES! :D im always here for you! :D NOHOPEINBECOMINGPRESIDENT, CHARMAYNE! :D
To: MY ZHENG YU LAMBCHOPPER! HEY, FIRSTLY, I REALLY MISS SITTING WITH YOU! i miss talking to you bout almost everything yea? HEHE. you are awesome (although im awesomer) :D hehe, u are REALLY FUNNY and yea, i have to admit, NICE. :D Next, its good that you smile more nowadays! :D dont look so uncle anymore right? :D hehe, although u still act like one :D I really love the way you walk! HAHA NOTTHELAMBCHOPPER, CHARMAYNNE!:D
To: MY JACOB, AWESOMEST FRIEND! HEY!! Okay, frankly speaking, i really love smsing you, and talking to you. :D i somehow find it very easy to communicate with you yea? :D haha, and you are really really nice, and you care about other people's feeling :D Although u are very sick in the mind, and likes to say vulgarities, you are still my awesomest friend yea? :D Anything just SMS me k! I LOVE SMSING YOU~! AWESOMESTOFTHEAWESOMEST, CHARMAYNE! :D
Posted by Friday, October 15, 2010 8:05 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yay me! I'm blogging again! Haha awesome much right? :) as to the continuation of my devotion, I shall post in my next post which I type using the com k? Coz now using phone, so it suck to actually type long posts. Hahaha okay nvm, anyway, CHARMAINE LAOMA, CHEER UP K! I'm always here for you! :) positive thinking alright ! Muacks you, always always love you k! Short post, hehe will blog more soon! LOVEEEEE! CHARMAYNE LOVES CHARMAINE!
 Devotions :D
Posted by 5:24 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
HELLO GUYSS! IMMA BACK. Anyway, gonna do some devotions to the people on AHS K!
To: MY DEAREST COUPLE! Boo couple! I SIMPLY LOVE SHOPPING WITH YOU K! It's just that awesome, dont you agree? ANDANDAND, we are the BEST couple ever! :D hehe! We are JUST SO SIMILIAR PLS. hahahah :D anyway, this is just some random devotions, so yea :D HAHA Thanks for being there for me all the time, and listening to all my rants k? ILOVEYOU! LOTS OF LOVE, CHARMAYNE COUPLE!
To: MY HEIDI HEI DI! OMGOMG I SPOT HEI DI! :D hehe, anyway, i realized that we were friends since primary 2?!?! omg thats so long :P hahah, but its just THAT awesome right? anyway, i seriously LOVE joking , and going out with you, you will always be SUPER hilarious. :D hahahha, and i love the times when we will chat bout anything and everything for hours without getting bored, that requires a skill too k :D HAHAHAHHA ISTILLLOVEYOU! LOVEYALOTS, CHARMAYNE BAI DI! :D
To: MY CHLOE BAOBEI! ILOVEYOU BAOBEI! I simply love smsing you, spamming your facebook chat, and facebook wall. IMMA AWESOME, AND SO ARE YOU K! :D hehe always remember bout "MUTATED" and "CHANGI AIRPORT" k! :D hehe im always here for you if you need me k! :D THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! ILOVEYOU! MUACKSSS! CHARMAYNE BAOBEI! <3
To: MY WESLEY KOR! boo kor! :D smsing you never fail to make me laugh :D it's just so awesome, you being the rock, and me being the stone :D HAHAHA you will be the BEST kor ever, if you STOP bullying me, disturbing me, stealing my stuff and start buying me sweets! :D HEHE WE ARE AWESOME! AWESOME STONE, CHARMAYNE MEI! :D
To: MY ZHI PENG SISTER-IN-LAW Hello sister-in-law! hehe, thanks for being my listening ear when i was emo, and giving me really good advice. I really appreciate it k? :D THANKS! hahah, its nice talking to you, it is now, and will always be k! :D ALWAYSHEREFORYOU, CHARMAYNE SISTER-IN-LAW! :D
To: MY CHEN KANG GEGE! hello DAGEGE! :D You treat me really veryvery well! that explains why you are 16 actually :D thanks for helping me to scold the guys everytime they bully and pissed me off. I REALLY LOVE IT K! :D You never fail to care for me, you are so awesome! :D ALWAYS MY DA GEGE K! :D LOVEYALOTS, CHARMAYNE MEIMEI! :D
To: MY SHUFEN BABE BAEBABEBABE! :D You are the most awesome babe ever!:D and you will NEVER get pissed with me no matter how many stupid qns i ask you! thats SO AWESOME!:D thanks for caring for me k! :D LOVE YA LOTS! BABEFOREVER, CHARMAYNE BABE! :D
My devotion shall end here, for now. :D hahah the list goes on, but here are for some of the MOST important people in my life:D IHEARTYOU! :D
Posted by 2:50 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
OMG EXAMS ARE OVERR! PARTEHH :D hahah, okay, anyway, all my papers were fine other than maths.. OMG ITS SO HARD. :P Went shopping with Winn today, after my malay paper :D BUGIS AWESOME-NESS. AHAHA so uber awesome! :D
We practically shopped for 3 hours plus, and FINALLY found the shop we were looking for. :P Bough Tees there :D IT WAS AWESOMEE HAHA, anyway, short post, CROSS MY HEART that my next post will be uber long k? :D
Posted by Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:53 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Omg tomorrow EOYs starting le! :( so uner scared, I can't afford to flunk it omg! Lol okay nvm, shall not give myself so much stress :) just try my best will do right? Haha! Anyway, short post, gonna study le!
Jiayou guys! :)
Posted by Friday, October 8, 2010 11:24 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hello! Wow I'm blogging so late at night! Haha :) anyway, I'm really mugging for next week's eoy! Omg haha and I'm feeling MUCH better already! Awesome much! Haha got many new SMS BUDDIES like carol, jie qi and zhi peng. Awesome right? And I'm currenty in love with the song 'if I had you' by Adam lambert! It's so freaking awesome! Hahahah listen to it k!
Short post, gonna sleep le! Nights and sweet dreams! :)
 I believe I can get over this.
Posted by Sunday, October 3, 2010 2:27 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Boo! Anyway suppose to be chionging homework, but have the usden urge to blog again. Lol okay anyway, I'm trying my best to forget about it! Somehow, I jut can't help but keep thinking bout 'it'. Lol probably too many memories le ba.. I believe I can get over this. All I need is TIME. TIME. Hahaha I know I'm strong enough to overcome this right? Haha I'm comforting myself hahah. Nvm I WILL other about it... pretty soon I guess. Haha if u are smart enough, you will probably know what I'm refering to ba don't wanna blog le! Shall go finish my hw :)
Posted by Saturday, October 2, 2010 2:43 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Back blogging! YAY :D Anyway, EOYs is in 2 weeks time! omgomg, I'm so not ready for it! HAH anyway, TRYING my best to reduce the time spent on facebook.. haha :D I must seriously start mugging you know. LOL Anyway, screwed up two test this week. probably gonna fail both haha. dont wanna talk it. Short post, chionging hw :D BYE
Posted by Friday, October 29, 2010 9:00 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Okay I know I shouldn't be blogging at this hour but I'm just so bored! Haha anyway, I saw smt which made me emo again! :( omg why am I so easily affected! AHHH! Nvm luckily it's not in the day, or else I will hav no mood for anything le! Hahahahah okay I claimed that I am emo, but I'm actually haha-ing LOL:) anyway, had fun smsing Wesley while watching america's got talent. And it's really sad to see those who actually got eliminated. Just by looking at their tears made me feel sad as well. They made me realized that it actually takes alot of hardwork to realize one's dream. It's saddening to see them putting in so much effort, giving up on their career for the competition, yet, everything went into vain. But that's life uh? You can never get what you want. Whenever you have a reason to be happy, you will somehow also be able to find an excuse which spoils everything for you. How pathetic is that. LOL I shall end this kinda emo post, before everyone thinks that I'm an emo girl! :) I'm not! Anyway, goodnight guys! :)
Lots of love, CHARMAYNE!
Posted by Thursday, October 28, 2010 10:41 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Back BLOGGING! :D Anyway, it was the last day of school yesterday! uber sian TTM. I don't wanna split class uh! :( Had prac yesterday, learnt el bimbo, and mulata. MULATA SUCKS TTM. so uberuber de hard. :P GUITAR DINNER WAS AWESOME! :D so uber de fun. hahahaha! :D Went to the national museum with winn and zhi feng on wednesday. FUN TTM! :D Camwhore like crazy with winn, and kept on laughing at zhi feng. NO SENSE OF URGENCY. Zhi feng got stuck outside the mrt. HAIZ and winn and I had to wait for him at the next station. Waste time right? NO SENSE OF URGENCY AR U! :D But it was still fun though! :D HAHA anyway, short post. lazy blog le!
Posted by Thursday, October 21, 2010 5:37 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Got back my results today. And it seriously sucks ttm can? Hais, i shall post my DEPRESSING GRADES here haha...
English- 37/50 for compre and summary Chinese-50/70 for compo 13/20 for si han 65.5/90 for paper itself Science-63.5/100(i know, it sucks ttm) Maths- a disappointing 43/80 D: can die uh! overall 68/100. I'm so dumb uh? HAIS Malay-27/50 (I PASS!)
It's so noob right? i know.. omg, seriously can die from depression liao uh.. Let's not talk about it anymore lah. hahah :D Today is FREAKING HAZY. and it's so irritating for my nose.. Was sneezing like crazy, and my eyes were like super teary LOL Went lunch with Heidi, Chloe, Victoria and Edina at carl's junior after school today, awesome much yea? HAH :D Edina's new nickname-DIRTY PREDATOR! :D
haha short post,no mood to blog uh
Posted by Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:27 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
OMG! Today's class outing is soooooooo awesome! First, we went to Simei to have lunch, so I took the time to go home and bathe first. Hahhaha! :) okay, when we reached zhi feng's house, we started off with some mass hide and seek. :) damn fun but uber tiring! Hahah then after that started raining! BLEAH! Haha CAMWHORING is so awesome with my babe and pokey! Omg took damnnn lots of pics hahah! Chit chat like crazy! Hahaha didn't join the guys for dinner though, and we went bak at 5.30. Hehe more 1A people should have went with us lor! Really good time to bond! Hahahah shall upload some pics soon, make you guys jealous of the fun we had had! Hahah jkjk :) short post! Sryyy
Posted by Monday, October 18, 2010 1:54 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
BOO BACK BLOGGING! :D i have been blogging quite frequently yea? YAYNESS FOR ME :D Anyawy, lost in captain's ball match D: LOL IM GOING ZF HOUSE TOMORROW AND IMMA AWESOME :D hehe random~ okay nvm, im here to continue my devotions anyway :D
Let's Begin! :D
To: MY ANDREA POKEYY! :D Pokeyy! Omg poking you is so awesome! ;) heheh I love chit chatting with you! And yea, u calling me maynee is just so awesome okay! Heheh! Thanks for always cheerin me up! And encouraging me whenever I'm feeling down. You even stand up for me when the guys in our class teased me. I really apprecite it alot! Imma always here for you alright? ILOVEYOU! MAYNEE, CHARMAYNE!!!
To: MY ZHI FENG PRESIDENT! :D Boo ya! I tagged at your blog le okay! :D anyway, i really love talking to you, u can always cheer me up you know? how awesome is that man! and you really really helped me alot this year! THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH! :D haha, JIAYOU IN BECOMING THE NEXT PRES! :D im always here for you! :D NOHOPEINBECOMINGPRESIDENT, CHARMAYNE! :D
To: MY ZHENG YU LAMBCHOPPER! HEY, FIRSTLY, I REALLY MISS SITTING WITH YOU! i miss talking to you bout almost everything yea? HEHE. you are awesome (although im awesomer) :D hehe, u are REALLY FUNNY and yea, i have to admit, NICE. :D Next, its good that you smile more nowadays! :D dont look so uncle anymore right? :D hehe, although u still act like one :D I really love the way you walk! HAHA NOTTHELAMBCHOPPER, CHARMAYNNE!:D
To: MY JACOB, AWESOMEST FRIEND! HEY!! Okay, frankly speaking, i really love smsing you, and talking to you. :D i somehow find it very easy to communicate with you yea? :D haha, and you are really really nice, and you care about other people's feeling :D Although u are very sick in the mind, and likes to say vulgarities, you are still my awesomest friend yea? :D Anything just SMS me k! I LOVE SMSING YOU~! AWESOMESTOFTHEAWESOMEST, CHARMAYNE! :D
Posted by Friday, October 15, 2010 8:05 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yay me! I'm blogging again! Haha awesome much right? :) as to the continuation of my devotion, I shall post in my next post which I type using the com k? Coz now using phone, so it suck to actually type long posts. Hahaha okay nvm, anyway, CHARMAINE LAOMA, CHEER UP K! I'm always here for you! :) positive thinking alright ! Muacks you, always always love you k! Short post, hehe will blog more soon! LOVEEEEE! CHARMAYNE LOVES CHARMAINE!
 Devotions :D
Posted by 5:24 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
HELLO GUYSS! IMMA BACK. Anyway, gonna do some devotions to the people on AHS K!
To: MY DEAREST COUPLE! Boo couple! I SIMPLY LOVE SHOPPING WITH YOU K! It's just that awesome, dont you agree? ANDANDAND, we are the BEST couple ever! :D hehe! We are JUST SO SIMILIAR PLS. hahahah :D anyway, this is just some random devotions, so yea :D HAHA Thanks for being there for me all the time, and listening to all my rants k? ILOVEYOU! LOTS OF LOVE, CHARMAYNE COUPLE!
To: MY HEIDI HEI DI! OMGOMG I SPOT HEI DI! :D hehe, anyway, i realized that we were friends since primary 2?!?! omg thats so long :P hahah, but its just THAT awesome right? anyway, i seriously LOVE joking , and going out with you, you will always be SUPER hilarious. :D hahahha, and i love the times when we will chat bout anything and everything for hours without getting bored, that requires a skill too k :D HAHAHAHHA ISTILLLOVEYOU! LOVEYALOTS, CHARMAYNE BAI DI! :D
To: MY CHLOE BAOBEI! ILOVEYOU BAOBEI! I simply love smsing you, spamming your facebook chat, and facebook wall. IMMA AWESOME, AND SO ARE YOU K! :D hehe always remember bout "MUTATED" and "CHANGI AIRPORT" k! :D hehe im always here for you if you need me k! :D THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! ILOVEYOU! MUACKSSS! CHARMAYNE BAOBEI! <3
To: MY WESLEY KOR! boo kor! :D smsing you never fail to make me laugh :D it's just so awesome, you being the rock, and me being the stone :D HAHAHA you will be the BEST kor ever, if you STOP bullying me, disturbing me, stealing my stuff and start buying me sweets! :D HEHE WE ARE AWESOME! AWESOME STONE, CHARMAYNE MEI! :D
To: MY ZHI PENG SISTER-IN-LAW Hello sister-in-law! hehe, thanks for being my listening ear when i was emo, and giving me really good advice. I really appreciate it k? :D THANKS! hahah, its nice talking to you, it is now, and will always be k! :D ALWAYSHEREFORYOU, CHARMAYNE SISTER-IN-LAW! :D
To: MY CHEN KANG GEGE! hello DAGEGE! :D You treat me really veryvery well! that explains why you are 16 actually :D thanks for helping me to scold the guys everytime they bully and pissed me off. I REALLY LOVE IT K! :D You never fail to care for me, you are so awesome! :D ALWAYS MY DA GEGE K! :D LOVEYALOTS, CHARMAYNE MEIMEI! :D
To: MY SHUFEN BABE BAEBABEBABE! :D You are the most awesome babe ever!:D and you will NEVER get pissed with me no matter how many stupid qns i ask you! thats SO AWESOME!:D thanks for caring for me k! :D LOVE YA LOTS! BABEFOREVER, CHARMAYNE BABE! :D
My devotion shall end here, for now. :D hahah the list goes on, but here are for some of the MOST important people in my life:D IHEARTYOU! :D
Posted by 2:50 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
OMG EXAMS ARE OVERR! PARTEHH :D hahah, okay, anyway, all my papers were fine other than maths.. OMG ITS SO HARD. :P Went shopping with Winn today, after my malay paper :D BUGIS AWESOME-NESS. AHAHA so uber awesome! :D
We practically shopped for 3 hours plus, and FINALLY found the shop we were looking for. :P Bough Tees there :D IT WAS AWESOMEE HAHA, anyway, short post, CROSS MY HEART that my next post will be uber long k? :D
Posted by Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:53 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Omg tomorrow EOYs starting le! :( so uner scared, I can't afford to flunk it omg! Lol okay nvm, shall not give myself so much stress :) just try my best will do right? Haha! Anyway, short post, gonna study le!
Jiayou guys! :)
Posted by Friday, October 8, 2010 11:24 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hello! Wow I'm blogging so late at night! Haha :) anyway, I'm really mugging for next week's eoy! Omg haha and I'm feeling MUCH better already! Awesome much! Haha got many new SMS BUDDIES like carol, jie qi and zhi peng. Awesome right? And I'm currenty in love with the song 'if I had you' by Adam lambert! It's so freaking awesome! Hahahah listen to it k!
Short post, gonna sleep le! Nights and sweet dreams! :)
 I believe I can get over this.
Posted by Sunday, October 3, 2010 2:27 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Boo! Anyway suppose to be chionging homework, but have the usden urge to blog again. Lol okay anyway, I'm trying my best to forget about it! Somehow, I jut can't help but keep thinking bout 'it'. Lol probably too many memories le ba.. I believe I can get over this. All I need is TIME. TIME. Hahaha I know I'm strong enough to overcome this right? Haha I'm comforting myself hahah. Nvm I WILL other about it... pretty soon I guess. Haha if u are smart enough, you will probably know what I'm refering to ba don't wanna blog le! Shall go finish my hw :)
Posted by Saturday, October 2, 2010 2:43 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Back blogging! YAY :D Anyway, EOYs is in 2 weeks time! omgomg, I'm so not ready for it! HAH anyway, TRYING my best to reduce the time spent on facebook.. haha :D I must seriously start mugging you know. LOL Anyway, screwed up two test this week. probably gonna fail both haha. dont wanna talk it. Short post, chionging hw :D BYE
 The Lovely Miss Mary
 kiss me through my phone =]
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