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1st Feb, her day.
AHS, 2G.
Teach her how to laugh.
Posted by Saturday, March 21, 2009 2:17 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
so sian so decided to post some pictures....
 Allow me to post some pic on dogs!!!

Posted by 2:13 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Currently blogging at ky house.....Her house so dark so scary de....
So sian wanna invite the twins come her house but their mum keep dun allow and they dun wanna pick up the phone!!!! going to kill them on monday.... (ky going to help me, hehe..)
Can anybody come to her house and play with us? so sian wanna sleep le !!!!!
Posted by Thursday, March 19, 2009 4:15 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
So sian... Today holiday still needa go back to school for MT supplementary....but luckily mr seah allow us to eat in class is not i woould have fallen asleep long ago..hehe.....
I eat so much ....-.-Going to be a fat pig soon, but seriously i am such a big eater but why don't i grow fat?( that's a question i have always wanted to ask but no one can answer me except maybe zhong yi ba?)
I promise mii mum cannot go playground for two days and i actually made it!!!!! but school is going to reopen soon, and i promise my mum after school reopen, i will study in the room from 6-8 everyday in the room,no phone calls, playing or using com during that period of time...but luckily can bring hp in, if not i cannot survived de!!!!
Went luch wib frens today after supplementary , we ate eighteen cheif coz it cheaper for students and even cheaper during school holidays...( hehe) I shared with Jasmine as it was a big portion and we can save some money as well....
That shall be the end of my post...
Love Charmayne :) (aka Jelly 2,EMP)
Posted by 3:56 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
It may be a little too late to do this now but never mind
Who is your best bud in class? -Mavis ba.. Best fren on yours ( not in class) -Obvious, Kai ying lah (still got hu?) Which is your favourite band? -Dunno, Got too many le Favourite singer? -Avril lavinge, Taylor Swift What's your best time in school? -Of course when playing BETRAYER lah Who's Heidi's crush? -Why u wanna know? KPO! What's your style of playing in betrayer? -Twist and twist and twist? Who's your crush? -Dun tell u! What's the colour of your eyes? -See for yourself! Who is Kai Ying's crush? -Go ask her yourself!!! Who is sharing this blog with me? -Of course Hui ling lah Some good fren of the opposite gender? -Zhong Yi, Shaun, James, Brandon loo, Brendon teo Ever been to France? -Nah! Absolutely not that rich Some words to described Jasmine? -Too obssesed with her mama? Some words to described Kai Ying? -Cute, Joker and absolutely my best bud!!!
Name three other person to do this quiz(but please change the people and questions) -Chelsea -Kai Ying ( after she has created hers) -Zen ( like kai ying, after she has created hers)
Posted by Tuesday, March 17, 2009 5:02 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hi hi just post coz i feel that i so long never post le...
Its finally school holidays!!! but still have to go back to school for three days...-.- So sian de...... I believe that in a blink of an eye, holidays will be over and will be back to all the boring lessons getting ready to face PSLE..
During this holidays, what i mostly do is go playground, friend house, school, or go shopping with my beloved mum...
How i wish school will never reopen and there is no need to have stress, homework and no exams but as all of us know, it will never happen....So let's all pick our spirits up, and get ready to wait for school reopen and accept the fact that can never be change...
Posted by Sunday, March 8, 2009 1:12 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
So sian....... Wanna go playground but no one to go with. Hope ky mom wake up soon so that ky can ask
Hope mii cousins finish homework soon so can go playground with me hahahah
Posted by Saturday, March 7, 2009 6:35 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
SORRY everyone soooooo long never post le...Its all coz of EXAMS!!!!!!!
Now its finally over!! Thats y can post i got two of my results back le, one is very good one is very lan...My chinese got 89 which is the second highest in class!!!!however, my english got 67 nia, over 95..........
My hp got prob!!!!! All songs gone
saddening!!! hope it recover soon i wanna hear song :(
Posted by Saturday, March 21, 2009 2:17 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
so sian so decided to post some pictures....
 Allow me to post some pic on dogs!!!

Posted by 2:13 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Currently blogging at ky house.....Her house so dark so scary de....
So sian wanna invite the twins come her house but their mum keep dun allow and they dun wanna pick up the phone!!!! going to kill them on monday.... (ky going to help me, hehe..)
Can anybody come to her house and play with us? so sian wanna sleep le !!!!!
Posted by Thursday, March 19, 2009 4:15 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
So sian... Today holiday still needa go back to school for MT supplementary....but luckily mr seah allow us to eat in class is not i woould have fallen asleep long ago..hehe.....
I eat so much ....-.-Going to be a fat pig soon, but seriously i am such a big eater but why don't i grow fat?( that's a question i have always wanted to ask but no one can answer me except maybe zhong yi ba?)
I promise mii mum cannot go playground for two days and i actually made it!!!!! but school is going to reopen soon, and i promise my mum after school reopen, i will study in the room from 6-8 everyday in the room,no phone calls, playing or using com during that period of time...but luckily can bring hp in, if not i cannot survived de!!!!
Went luch wib frens today after supplementary , we ate eighteen cheif coz it cheaper for students and even cheaper during school holidays...( hehe) I shared with Jasmine as it was a big portion and we can save some money as well....
That shall be the end of my post...
Love Charmayne :) (aka Jelly 2,EMP)
Posted by 3:56 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
It may be a little too late to do this now but never mind
Who is your best bud in class? -Mavis ba.. Best fren on yours ( not in class) -Obvious, Kai ying lah (still got hu?) Which is your favourite band? -Dunno, Got too many le Favourite singer? -Avril lavinge, Taylor Swift What's your best time in school? -Of course when playing BETRAYER lah Who's Heidi's crush? -Why u wanna know? KPO! What's your style of playing in betrayer? -Twist and twist and twist? Who's your crush? -Dun tell u! What's the colour of your eyes? -See for yourself! Who is Kai Ying's crush? -Go ask her yourself!!! Who is sharing this blog with me? -Of course Hui ling lah Some good fren of the opposite gender? -Zhong Yi, Shaun, James, Brandon loo, Brendon teo Ever been to France? -Nah! Absolutely not that rich Some words to described Jasmine? -Too obssesed with her mama? Some words to described Kai Ying? -Cute, Joker and absolutely my best bud!!!
Name three other person to do this quiz(but please change the people and questions) -Chelsea -Kai Ying ( after she has created hers) -Zen ( like kai ying, after she has created hers)
Posted by Tuesday, March 17, 2009 5:02 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
Hi hi just post coz i feel that i so long never post le...
Its finally school holidays!!! but still have to go back to school for three days...-.- So sian de...... I believe that in a blink of an eye, holidays will be over and will be back to all the boring lessons getting ready to face PSLE..
During this holidays, what i mostly do is go playground, friend house, school, or go shopping with my beloved mum...
How i wish school will never reopen and there is no need to have stress, homework and no exams but as all of us know, it will never happen....So let's all pick our spirits up, and get ready to wait for school reopen and accept the fact that can never be change...
Posted by Sunday, March 8, 2009 1:12 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
So sian....... Wanna go playground but no one to go with. Hope ky mom wake up soon so that ky can ask
Hope mii cousins finish homework soon so can go playground with me hahahah
Posted by Saturday, March 7, 2009 6:35 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
SORRY everyone soooooo long never post le...Its all coz of EXAMS!!!!!!!
Now its finally over!! Thats y can post i got two of my results back le, one is very good one is very lan...My chinese got 89 which is the second highest in class!!!!however, my english got 67 nia, over 95..........
My hp got prob!!!!! All songs gone
saddening!!! hope it recover soon i wanna hear song :(
 The Lovely Miss Mary
 kiss me through my phone =]
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Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
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