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1st Feb, her day.
AHS, 2G.
Teach her how to laugh.
 And I need you now.
Posted by Thursday, May 19, 2011 4:47 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
YAYYYYYY FREEDOM. finally, our exams have ended! REJOICEEEEEE maths and science was both okay I guess? :D I did my best^^ was having headache right after the exams. Must be cause too many brain cells died >< sorry to those who I screamed at today :( I didn't mean to :( Can't wait to meet singhui tmr. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR <3
 And I need you now.
Posted by Thursday, May 19, 2011 4:47 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
YAYYYYYY FREEDOM. finally, our exams have ended! REJOICEEEEEE maths and science was both okay I guess? :D I did my best^^ was having headache right after the exams. Must be cause too many brain cells died >< sorry to those who I screamed at today :( I didn't mean to :( Can't wait to meet singhui tmr. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR <3
 The Lovely Miss Mary
 kiss me through my phone =]
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complains anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.