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1st Feb, her day.
AHS, 2G.
Teach her how to laugh.
Posted by Sunday, May 2, 2010 4:23 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
BlahBlahBlah... My blog is kinda dead....
LOLS ANYWAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JJ! its belated though. heheh Got soo many things happened these few days.. And i MUST THANK WESLEY AND ZHENG YU for cheering me up! THANK YOU MY KORS! :D And of course, can't forget kai ying also lah. heheheh okay.. erm friday had class catching.. quite fun. BUT WESLEY AND JUN WEN keep scaring me! AHH! LOLS
im super lazy to think liao. oh ya! after class party, went on the SINGAPORE FLYER! super duper cool lor the nite view heheh. After that went dinner :D
Okay will try to post more...
One and Only, CHARMAYNE! :D
Posted by Sunday, May 2, 2010 4:23 AM with 0 notes | add more notes
BlahBlahBlah... My blog is kinda dead....
LOLS ANYWAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JJ! its belated though. heheh Got soo many things happened these few days.. And i MUST THANK WESLEY AND ZHENG YU for cheering me up! THANK YOU MY KORS! :D And of course, can't forget kai ying also lah. heheheh okay.. erm friday had class catching.. quite fun. BUT WESLEY AND JUN WEN keep scaring me! AHH! LOLS
im super lazy to think liao. oh ya! after class party, went on the SINGAPORE FLYER! super duper cool lor the nite view heheh. After that went dinner :D
Okay will try to post more...
One and Only, CHARMAYNE! :D
 The Lovely Miss Mary
 kiss me through my phone =]
Designed by Mary.
Background by Chocolaterie
Materials by ChocoGoodies, Sorahana & Rebecca
Banner by TheFadingNight
Tell me nicely if I forgotten to credit you. Do not complains anything here cause it's 100% belongs to me.